Emden biomass power plant

德国 / Bio power / Power plant

The Emden biomass power plant is located in Emden in Lower Saxony in 德国.

  • 2004
    Entered into operation
  • 20 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 130.4、妇女
    Annual production

The biomass power plant situated close to the gas power plant in Emden generates power and steam by burning scrap wood. The electrical power output is 20 MW.

The power plant generates renewable electricity equivalent to the consumption of approximately 40,000户家庭.

除了, the plant supplies the Volkswagen industrial site in Emden with 30 MW district heating through a 2.5-kilometer pipeline. This increases the efficiency of the biomass plant to approximately 65 per cent.

Generating power by burning scrap wood is CO2 中性. 的有限公司2 stored in the wood during photosynthesis is released by the combustion. The resulting emissions are cleaned and subjected to the strictest controls.

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  • Emden biomass power plant

    Emden biomass power plant at night

  • 筒仓

    筒仓 at Emden biomass power plant

  • 加热隧道

    The district heating tunnel that connects Emden biomass power plant to the nearby Volkswagen factory

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